Frequently Asked Training Questions

How to Use this Guide

Have a specific training question and don’t know where to start looking? You’ve come to the right place. Rather than scrolling through pages of articles trying to guess which one might help you fix your problem, try looking up your question below. Some of the most common training questions I’ve gotten from readers are listed here. After each question, you will find one or more links to the appropriate articles to fix your problem. If there is more than one link, they will be organized according to recommended reading order. 

What if I don’t see my question below?

This database is a work in progress. If you don’t see your question listed below, scroll down to the bottom of the page and use the contact form to submit your question so I can help you find a solution and post the answer for other readers to learn from. (Don’t worry, posted answers to reader questions do not include names or personal details.)

Question: How do I stop my horse from rooting at the bit?

Answer: This problem stems from the horse disrespecting the bit. You need to soften the horse’s mouth and teach him to give to accept the bit. The Creating Relaxation series I am currently doing is perfect for this.

Creating Relaxation Stage 1: Releasing the Jaw

Creating Relaxation Stage 2: Long and Low

I will update this with a link to Stage 3 as soon as Stage 3 is up.

Question: How do I teach my horse to Pivot on the hindquarters/yield the forequarters?

Answer: There is a complete tutorial on teaching your horse this maneuver here: Mastering the Reining Spin.

Question: How do I open a gate while mounted?

Answer: There is a complete tutorial on teaching your horse this maneuver here: A Step-by-Step Training Guide to Opening a Gate While Mounted.

Question: How do I teach my horse to leg yield?

Answer: There is a complete tutorial on teaching your horse this maneuver here: Teaching the Leg Yield.

Question: What does my trainer mean when she/he tells me to ride inside leg to outside rein?

Answer: There is a complete tutorial on teaching your horse this maneuver here: Riding Inside Leg to Outside Rein.

Question: How do I know what bit I need?

Answer: Before switching your bit, please read this article on why a bigger/different bit is not always the best solution: The Big Bit Band-Aid.

Before going bit shopping, please read this article: 10 Common Bit Myths Busted.

If you are considering switching to bitless, please read this article: The Bitless Revolution.

For more information on snaffle bits, read this article: Snaffle Basics.

For more information on bit mouthpieces read this article: Common Bit Mouthpieces.

For more information on leverage bits, read this article: Leverage Bit Basics.

For more Information on “specialty” bits, read this article: “Specialty” Bits.

Always remember, a better/bigger bit will never make up for poor training, but good training is always easier in a good bit.


Answer: Creating impulsion is all about transitions. View this article: A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating Impulsion

This page is a work in progress. Please check back periodically for updates. If you have a specific question you would like to see answered here, please use the submission form below to send me your question.