You know you’re a horse person when…
…rather than slowing down for a speed bump in your car you assume the 2-point position because efficiency is important people.
…you can’t find your hair brush or comb so you just borrow the horse’s.
…you’ve eaten nothing but ramen and peanut butter sandwiches for a month because all your money went to pay for another vet bill.
…you drive past a golf course or any other large, grassy area and think: “what a waste of perfectly good pasture.”
…your horse’s gear is all color coordinated but you consider yourself lucky to get out the door in the morning with a matching pair of socks.
…you can’t watch a horse movie – or any movie with horses in the background – without giving a full commentary on what was wrong with the actors’ horsemanship.
…most of your Christmas and birthday presents are actually for your horse.
…someone suggests you solve your money problems by selling the horse and you look at them like they just suggest you eat your own child.
…you were too busy laughing and agreeing with everything to notice that #3 was missing.
Photo by AdinaVoicu
Number 5 for sure!